The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

He’s missed 21 games. I would’ve guessed more, though.

That comment alone should be setting alarm bells off.

In court, in front of a judge it’d still be heard.

Where is the evidence he’s “downed tools”, not being forced to sign a new deal? Holds no weight…all these so called experts we have here on every player in the book, you’d expect a bit more of a stronger argument against.

But how does Brendan praise him - does he have great character or will he run through a barbed wire fence for you or will he try and find the hole in the fence?

Beautiful human being with an outstanding character.

Sends him a Brendan portrait for his house

Ordinarily I’d see all the links to Caicedo AND MacAlister and be very dubious about combinations in unfancied team being all able to transition to better sides. If they’re so good why are the team still unfancied? But I think these two might be the exception. Brighton have been consistently excellent as a footballing side 2 years now and only failed to get the results their control of games deserved because the have forwards who specialize in not scoring goals. Plop these two in the middle of a team with Virgil and Konate behind them and Diaz, Nunez, Mo etc ahead of them and I’ve no doubt their excellence would be apparent.

We’re worried about the lack of familiarity doing a big overhaul produces, then solve that by bringing in two players who already play together :rofl:


Too short mate, they’d need a 7 footer as DM to counter their hobbit height.

Have you been talking to my wife?

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ive never rated him.
Wouldnt want him here to be honest. Always looks overweight and out of breath.

Honestly, his little pudgy red cheeks are probably the things that counts against him most in terms of people thinking he’s lazy. He only needs to make one short run before he has the look of being out of breath.

I used to love Stephane Henchoz’s face expressions already in about minute 2 in a game. After a defensive action, takle or something.

Like an exhausted porn-star. :joy:

Like Carra? I’ve never see a player look so knackered after twenty minutes, but still keep going for another seventy, like Jamie.

Unlike, say, Charlie Adam. Who looked knackered after twenty, and was in fact knackered.



just a couple signing bonuses, frees up cash for a big spend. come on Jude!


Fixed for accuracy

Fuck sake, can remove K.Thuram off the list


60m euros is probably around the ballpark figure we would be open to.

The move makes a ton of sense for PSG given their desire to develop more a French identity with the best young French players.

But you wonder whether it makes a lot less sense for the player. His old manager is currently at PSG, and there is a relationship there. But Galtier is looking very shaky there. So not only may a manager he knows and likes not be there next season, he likely looks at the incoherent mess their football has been this season, and concludes that if a smart guy like him with a clear vision for how he wants to play has failed to achieve that, then maybe it isnt the right footballing project for him. It is always going to be a star fucking club, and maybe a DM, even a top class one, will be hung out to dry at a club like that. For a lad who has grown up unconcerned about money, you wonder if he will be less swayed by the money they can offer.

You’re not in the campaign of equal heights?