The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I’m happy to report that I’ve watched a highlight video on each of the rumoured signings, I now consider myself an expert.


One we’ve been linked with quite a bit in the recent past.

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Please no … :persevere::persevere:

I’ve never heard of him.


Looks a bit old to be Van De Ven to my eyes.

And I don’t remember him wearing glasses in any of the youtube highlights I’ve seen :wink:


Kone injuries

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So is he a direct replacement for Nabby or Ox? :man_shrugging:

Hopefully neither as our physios deserve a year or six off.

16 games missed in 4 years?


Nor had I until we started getting linked to him :wink:

Klopp and Jordan Henderson from WISH.

Does look a lot like him, though with the bobble hat and coats it wouldn’t suggest Liverpool in the last few days if it’s been like London.

Means he just visited Anfield with his dad or agent a few months back, possibly in the winter break for German football however does mean he is potentially a fan so might help in any deal.

I’ve got more faith in the fact we just appointed Wolfsburg’s old DOF mind than any photo that might be him.


I am amazed that Leicester would let a 26-year old midfielder of at least decent quality run down his contract. I agree that I don’t think he is quite what we need, and at his age he is nearing as good as he will ever be


I don’t think they’ve had much in the way of offers for him. Which is a bit weird in itself. There must be some reason clubs haven’t wanted to touch him with a bargepole.

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Hes not fit or good enough to play for a klopp team

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Nah! That’s my window cleaner, Mickey Van the Man.

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Do you need @Dutch to explain the rules?

Any one player from him and the two French lads would be a really exciting addition. If we are interested in the French ones I can see why its been reported we arent that interested in Ugarte as I think their size makes either of them a better fit.

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If he is anything close to as good as he is touted to be, that’d be a cracking signing for them. I hope he develops a bad back in 18 months and forces his way out to Barca.

They’re going to buy all of the top rated young players in the world and then be praised for their incredible scouting and “not buying world class players”.