The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

4 hours drive in England and Declan Rice simply can’t imagine it.

4 hours in any direction from me and I haven’t even gotten out of the Patriots “territory”.

In fairness the Anfield away dressing room does only have two plug sockets - intentionally - so maybe he thinks electricity is new up there.


Unrelated to threat, but in response to this, one of my favourite parts of Buffalo last weekend was seeing the number of cars with “Fuck Brady” stickers :joy:


I meant more the fact that so many of us are down here.

But yeah you have a point the transport is cack.

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In a country as small as England it’s pretty unsurprising that it’s all basically the same except for the accents.

A few local flairs here and there but especially in the cities it’s mostly the same.

Except for Manchester, that’s a shithole.


Sometimes when these desires to play in certain parts of the country come up, it’s not so much because of the players themselves but their partners…

That or it’s the fucking putting gravy on chips.

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Zinny just declared war on the board’s Canadians with this anti-poutine stance


Putin’s Poutine?

You could be onto something.

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we don’t put gravy on chips. we put cheese and gravy on fries.

Speaking of which, who puts curry on fries? how drunk do you have to be to eat that shit?

Nothing wrong with Manchester bar the clubs.

Again it’s like any other unless you go to places like York, Bath or Oxford.


Went to uni in Bath, then lived there afterwards for a few years, probably my favourite city in the UK


I love Oxford (bar the up their arse types) but yeah Bath is lovely.

I quite like Durham and Cardiff mind.

Sorry this is off a tangent, my getting drunk pre Uni days were manchester so that’s why I have a soft spot for it. Music scene was excellent then.


“Favourite Woolyback Towns Thread”


Where I grew up, wasn’t ever bothered about Durham/North East until I moved down south. Now I miss the north dearly - except for the weather - thats the big difference!

I like Manchester as a city - but too many mancs there


You could use the fee’s that Dortmund, West Ham and Villa paid to disprove your point.

I live in Bath now!

Nice, which bit?

After uni I lived in Bear Flat (lovely views but an absolute killer walk back up from town) and Monkton Combe, which is a little secluded valley just outside town

Yea I know Monkton Combe, nice spot! I’m in Bathford now, used to live on Walcot Street in town.

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In what sense? You’re using Rice and Grealish being products of their club’s respective academies to argue against there being premiums on these players when they move onto senior level?

The fee Dortmund paid btw was the record for a championship player and the British record for a player his age.

Fair point that they are academy grads, I didn’t know that. More just pointing out that you are comparing fee’s paid at different times and different points in each players development curve. Ie there lots of variables not just nationality.