The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

At this point DaveOCKop should just be banned from the forum.


Straight swap with Salah or Nunez. Think PSG will take Salah but not sure whether we can afford his wage.

The Nike kit extra money bridges the wage gap. Mbappe takes a pay cut too, from the obscene amount PSG are paying. He is fine to do that, as he still makes a fortune, but as a relatively young man he wants a new test, a sporting environment, a world class coach.

Real Madrid is the obvious choice but PSG do their utmost to stop that, so the deal tilts towards us.

Mo to PSG. Mbappe to Liverpool. Crazy as it sounds, I actually think it is possible.

A couple more midfielders and a defender and it will be a summer for the ages.

Title coming home next season. And yes, I am on my second g&t before bed, lol.

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I tend to agree, 4 times he posted the JWP rumour, I wouldn’t mind if it was multiple sources but all the reports were coming from one source.

If Valverde or Mbappe end up here someone’s had a tip off and some investment because frankly that’s the only way they are coming.

Though it may be right PSG may go all out on Salah and we may then buy Valverde which opens the door for Mbappe at Madrid.

Anyhow transfermarket is brilliant at times

The source is a fan Twitter account and it’s a photo of Henry with Mbappe and that apparently rates in at 40% chance :rofl:

On that basis Dave’s stuff must be at least 70% possibility.


To be honest, I thought he was but people just keep posting his stuff.


Never going to happen. He wants Real Madrid and PSG can dig their heels in but so can Mbappe and then walk for nothing next summer to wherever he wants.

Also, I know this would be a nice problem and all that but who exactly is playing on the right if Mo goes? We’d be very lopsided.

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The thing with this is PSG have already come out and said that he won’t be allowed to leave for free. So that means being sold this summer.

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The Valverde rumour seems very left field to me, an odd one for a journalist to make up.

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They already took Asensio.

Don’t know how to tell you this mate but I think you have the power to delete posts :wink:

Dave whatever his name is, is the latest in a long line of posting any sort of rumour to push his numbers and start to take advantage of Liverpool fans. Utter sham.

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They can say what they like but if he says it’s Madrid or nowhere then what do they do?

It’s a pretty crap negotiating position they’ve found themselves in when they know the place he really wants to go is the place they really don’t want to sell him to.

Are we really back now to the Mbappe fantasy again , after the Bellingham fantasy ?

Come on lads , ffs.


I dont think they have a problem with real madrid , that was just for last summer when they didnt want to lose Mbappe.

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Yeah and there were reports that we did actually bid quite a hefty fee at the end of the transfer window last summer.

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Express ‘reports’

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Why would we get rid of our most important goals and assists guy for the past 5 years?

Can we please stop going on about Mbappe? It’s embarrassing to be honest.
He’s not coming to Liverpool. Why would he join a club who aren’t even in the CL? He’s got the world at his feet.
He would completely disrupt the team.
We can’t afford his wages or the knock on effect of having somebody earning a couple of million a month.
We have people seriously taking about sacrificing one of our all time greatest players, who is settled at the club and in the team.
Please stop!

We need one or two midfielders and a defender.


Thing is with Mbappe - being linked to Real but they are skint and have just laid out £115m for Bellingham…where they getting £150m plus absurd wages and image rights from for Mbappe?

He is indykilla part 2

For the people who still think/hope he is coming to Liverpool.