The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

That’s a deal that makes a lot of sense. Especially if it greases the wheels for us to get the tasty Hungarian fella

Christian Bale Oooo GIF

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And tell them Rafa says fuck off if it’s Everton

I find it a bit strange that Leipzig would loan a young player from another club with a view to giving him regular playing time. They did it with Lookman, if I’m not mistaken, but I can’t recall any other player, am I wrong?

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so if he goes to Leipzig…thats 5 first team squad members out and 1 in. We are still left with Thiago who misses half a season and konate who seems another injury prone player.

dig deep fsg…


Yunus Musah

I think most of the Twitter bullshiters just throw names around. Romano has had 5 this week. I don’t see us doing much more, business wise as we really didn’t have anyone to sell. Combine that with the stadium upgrades, I’m thinking it could be one or two at best.

So smartasses will come out and say ‘two of them were old anyway. Two of them injured all the time anyway. Fabio was a youth player anyway’

Oh and Arthur was a loan player anyway.

6 players out. Bring in three. That should do the job.

Carvalho on loan to Leipzig is the word is he homegrown?

That’s fine for the midfield but we need defensive cover as well.

  • Matip is past his best.
  • Gomez has been a liability for while now.
  • Virgil is not the same since his injury.
  • Philips doesn’t get any game time.
  • Konate still needs experience alongside him.

Konate is also injury prone

But other than that, how we looking?

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As it stands we can’t challenge for the title and it will be another season of struggles, especially if we get multiple injuries.


star wars lack of faith GIF


I hope Klopp knows this too …

I agree, I don’t see us challenging for the title for another good…well as long as we have FSG for owners tbh. Just about ran out of luck now, fans are tired of them…Klopp holding back but he’s getting to the point of pondering whether all this is worth it, he deserves a lot better than this.

Powerhouses are taking over and we’re slowly being casted away…hard to see how we break back into that bubble without a certain level of spending FSG are so reluctant to put in.

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People have been panicking about other clubs spending every year for the last decade and longer. I see little to worry about in the near future - as @Limiescouse has pointed out that clubs like Newcastle will have different challenges to face next season as they try to evolve, and they were not that good last season. Neither were Utd.

We’re yet to see if Arsenal can deliver year in - year out too.

The level of spending we need is probably much lower than many fans are willing to admit (we don’t need to get involved in £100m battles for the likes of Rice - there are much more affordable options out there).


i actually thought i was being to blatant…i wanted to be even more subtle to be honest


And dumbassess will still keep counting bodies instead of looking at what those bodies contributed.

I mean, how can we possibly continue to challenge if we don’t replace the emergency loan signing who played 14 minutes all season?

Yes, the guy who signed a new deal a year ago knowing full well what the owners are and aren’t willing to do is getting sick of the owners doing exactly that. All these times he talks about money not being the only way to improve is just a front.

Secretly he’s hoping for a move to Chelsea where the owners will lavish him with expensive players he doesn’t want and he’ll be fired within a year. That’s the dream. Winning isn’t important, just spending money. And as has been proven time and time again, spending the most money guarantees success.


I’m very impatient but I’d like to see a defensive midfielder in by next week tbh.

Never mind a centre half also.

Got to give them time to find a home and chill out before pre season Jürgen :joy:

That’s all good and well, but all the serious links are to players at the Euro U21s. The final isn’t until 8th July, and I think the French lads would expect to be playing in that.

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