The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I think it interesting that despite all the talk of us looking to bring in several first team squad players this window that we’ve allowed one to leave on loan rather sell him. That to me suggests that the club, particularly Klopp, is happy that we have the funds to do the business we want to this window.

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Personally we are waiting on something.

And I don’t think it’s particularly the conclusion of that tournament.

As if we were 100% that’s our man it would have been done before.

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I wouldn’t be panicking too much about the team in general, other than Bobby, what we have lost were just luxury stocking fillers. None were actually seriously available. Our team finished the season with 10 games without loss. Only really Man City did us badly. Our problem was injuries to players in that team, not the likes of Ox or Keita.

Carvalho? I suspect that this is more to allow him to develop to a level that we can use for the future or increase his value enough to turn a profit. I’m hoping it’s the former.

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Well, mainly surgical stocking fillers.


Fixed it for you.

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Henderson and Fabinho where in trouble on every counter attack because of the lack of speed and legs. Thiago is often injured.

Mac Allister alone will not solve those problems.

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If in your words Utd and Newcastle “weren’t that good”, then what on earth were we? Newcastle came from a place of near relegation to CL in the space of 18 months whilst reaching a cup final…that worries me. Them conceding 33 goals last season which is what other teams have done and won the Prem with, that worries me.

I’m not worried about not signing the likes of Jude or Rice or Caicedo or Enzo for 100m+, believe me…but it doesn’t seem we can put together any significant rebuild together (even if it means signing 3 or 4 players for our usual go to £35-40m) without players being sold to compensate.

This is a new chapter for FSG that they can’t turn the page to but for some peculiar reason those that are ok with that want everyone else to be on their wavelength? I don’t subscribe.

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Really surprised to see it so bleak in here today.

I’ll eat my hat if we didn’t sign at least 2 more decent players who will contribute to the first team next season.

And I’m 100% sure we’ll be in the top 4 too.
80% sure we’ll be top 2.

Some of you lot need to stop worrying until there’s something to actually worry about.


Through a combination of factors for much of the season we were poor. I don’t think anyone here has disputed that, but a number of those factors have already or are being resolved as we saw in the latter quarter of the season and following its close.

The ‘new’ chapter is pretty much the same as the last one - focusing on process to maximise how well the club uses its own limited resources to compete against clubs with much more money.


Everyone said this last summer too…little did they know we’d be outside the European places most of the season and needed a Klopp miracle just to see us finish 5th!!!

For anyone to say they’re 100% sure we’ll be this or that do this or that, is arrogant…only makes us look bad at the end of it when we’re left with egg on our faces, expect low aim high.

Do we not need to worry about not playing in CL next season then, no?

Would love to know what sort of ownership people realistically want, forget about ethical owners as football will be continuing down the state run route.

It seems that some here seem to be suggesting that we really need to to be sold to an oil state just so we can keep up with the Joneses

& that’s fantastic from a business point of view, but what good will this do for us fans on the pitch? The fans that pay good hard earned money to see their team do well and be successful?

So every new player we bring in regardless of price, we have to hope that they exceed all expectations and can be the next Mane Salah Fab Gini Robbo Matip etc?

I disagree. I don’t think anyone was saying that last summer. Everyone was saying we need midfield
reinforcements and losing Mane was a blow and what’s going on with Jota’s injury!?

Anyone who is being fair and right minded can look at the season we’ve just had and see a ton of circumstance that led to a disappointing season. Some with hindsight, some were clear ahead of time and some as they were unfolding. It’s all old ground now it’s been discussed to death.

Even with all of it we were still incredibly close to 4th. In the worst season we could imagine.

Just wait until the season starts and judge the squad then before having your meltdown. I think that’s a reasonable ask.
If it’s as bad as you’re imaging it will be then we’ll all join you crying on here, I’ll be screaming “we should have listened to The-AllMightyReds!!!” And declare that if it weren’t for Taylor Swift I’d have already thrown my season ticket away.


that’s fantastic from a business point of view, but what good will this do for us fans on the pitch? The fans that pay good hard earned money to see their team do well and be successful

Seriously you need to understand what a football fan is.

Do you think those supporters of teams that know they will struggle but are just there for the ride demand they saddle their team with players they know they cannot afford ?

Sad fact is , you sound entitled, as if Liverpool are entitled to be challenging every year because it’s your right as a fan …

Although the odds are stacked in favour of the likes of city at the moment etc…it’s still a league of 20 teams and anyone of them can have a set up where they have a chance to win it

Shocking I know , but Thats it simply in its purest form


So not being in the European places most of the season is the fault of the owners not spending enough money and the fact we did end up in them is down to Klopp pulling off a miracle?

I’m as frustrated as anyone we didn’t buy a midfielder last summer but Klopp showed in that run at the end of the season that with the squad he had we should have made the CL places and probably quite comfortably. Can’t praise him for turning it around without criticising him for some of what came before.


Pearce confirming the Carvahlo loan.


Where’s the panic?

We have badly underperformed to finish outside the CL, zero trophies won.

We have a first team squad with more senior players than we need (and it’s not always in out 100% control, we cannot command who is sold when and for how much, also who gets injured at bad times before or during a season).

This summer, in the transfer window at least (because that’s not where all problems will be solved), it’s about offloading/selling more players than we will bring in and after a problematic season like we had, it shouldn’t be surprising if we don’t have all moves ready before July.

The way we pulled the Mac signing, the price and timing of it, against the competition, was admirable.

Let’s just calm down a little bit and be patient, this is all a very, very normal summer so far. Especially after the season we’ve just had.


I’m not having a meltdown and certainly not crying about anything…how
does 1 questioning the ambition these owners have for the club translate into throwing tantrums/crying/wanting to be oil funded…people see one thing, put 2 and 2 together and quickly come to the conclusion it’s something it’s not but wanna make a big drama out of it.

When you really dive down into it & it doesn’t take much, anyone can do it if they bothered giving it a bit of time, into our recent success…very little comes from anything FSG have done.

P.S - I have a bad feeling Taylor Swift might be the best thing I see at Anfield next season, happy to be proven wrong.


I’m sure many others will say that Taylor Swift will be the second worse thing at Anfield next season…