The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

This is all lovely but there are some rumours in the Twitter thread.

What about Edmond Tapsoba?

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Canā€™t quite put my finger on why just Iā€™m just not buying any of the rumours at the moment. Particularly Veiga.

Think we sign another midfielder but I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be any of the ones we have been linked to yet.

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His potential was 86 in Fifa 22, so thatā€™s the first box ticked. But I donā€™t know if he can head a ball :man_shrugging:t2:

My main concern is the reported Ā£30-Ā£40m seems a bit low. Heā€™d be a much better signing if he was available at Ā£75m.


I guess itā€™s another name thrown into the hat & people can make up their own minds what they think of the rumour.

I think itā€™ll be good to get all these tweets out there, in here as and when they drop so those that want to can scroll back through and find who the guys that broke the news first come 1st September when we have our full squad were, as I know this is a big debate point for some.

But really, my gut feeling is this is coming from his people as part of the negotiations with Spurs, weā€™re just a name being used to show there are other options.


They might be doing all that but actually going ahead with a move mid tournament is a bit different to having a chit chat with other players or their agent.

Meetings, discussions with family, medicals, paperwork a d everything else isnā€™t what anyone wants mid tournament. I doubt the nationā€™s let clubs and agents into camps for a start.

No, but much of that would most likely have been done before the tournament starts. The medical facilities would be there if the tournament had a quiet period for the affected team or that could wait until the end Deal sibject to medical)- with the club accessing club records to get some sort of picture on his overall fitnessā€¦but as were talking about young lads who have not had major injuries as far as i am aware, i doubt this would be a major obstacle.

Or weā€™re pulling another Diaz.


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Its still early day but we have good reason to worry. We chased midfielder since day one last summer then in the end we got Arthur on loan. We are sell to buy club, our net spend last five years is around 45m. Pattern is one starter + 2-3 money ball transfer. The only one time we spent more than 100m is 2018 with Allison and Fabinho, after Coutinho sale. with that kind of money, I doubt we able to get 2-3 more quality players.

File this under ā€œitā€™s what Iā€™d like to happen so Iā€™m going to believe itā€. :joy:

So why does it rarely ever happen then?

No, we didnā€™t, and that was the problem.


He is very similar to Mane

just in reference to the first part regarding Meloā€¦its not replacing the 14 minutes we need to doā€¦we need to replace what he WAS UNABLE to contribute, not what he WAS ABLE to doā€¦

we had a terrible season, he did nothing to improve itā€¦its a falicy looking at the minutes the OX, Naby and Arthur managed to play and suggesting we just need to ā€˜coverā€™ those minutes and ā€˜those goal oppurtunitiesā€™

we need significant improvement.

i do agree that we dont need three in, three out for that particular group though, i dont think anyones suggesting that.

but between Melo, Ox, Naby, Hendo, Fabinho, Thiago and Milner theres alot of minutes to replace as a baseline and a hell of alot of improvement required.

just to clarify though, im not being hysterical, or panicking, or saying the end is nigh, becuase we have a full summer to finalise everything.

regarding the Klopp comment, agree with you there, i dont imagine hes close to any breaking point at all


Havenā€™t a clue. My guess would be deals not far enough progressed prior to the tournament starting which may see either the players camp or the selling club wanting better offers during the tournament itself?

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I think thatā€™s a different club in Liverpool.

Thing is, nobody is saying that we donā€™t need to do more, but the facts are Mac Allister played 2886 Premier League minutes for Brighton and between them, Naby, Arthur, Fabio, Milner and Ox played 1865 Premier League minutes.

In those purest of terms, weā€™ve already matched and improved the appearance contribution of five players.

Of course that isnā€™t the end of the story, itā€™s just illustrative for the people who are misrepresenting the impact that losing those five players will have on the squad.

Some people are suggesting that we need a replacement for every player who has left.

Iā€™d wager there isnā€™t a single person on this forum who doesnā€™t think we still need to bring in either two more midfielders or one midfielder and one defender - minimum.

And suggestions that we wait and see what happens in the coming weeks rather than assuming that this is business done is just that. The people who are starting to lose their heads are making up their own narrative about what is happening behind the scenes, when the truth is nobody knows and we should all just judge the window when we can clearly see what business we have or havenā€™t done.


Given our recent propensity to sign players the second the window opens, Itā€™s not a huge leap to reasonably assume our next signing is currently at the under 21s. No bad thing. Iā€™ll admit to deadline day being very exciting if we get linked to anybody but our method is superior as we have the new players for pre-season. Better than United who just lump Ā£200m on the last day on the last turkey in the shop.

I agree with your sentiment. If our only success depended on who owned us, then why bother having a Manager. As an old fella, I was around in those heady glory days of the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s. Long since gone until FSG turned up. Yes we won the occasional cup, mostly in dramatic fashion, but we didnā€™t dominate in the league. Since the reign of Moore then Hā‚¬G, we were poor. Along came FSG and now we are complaining that one season in the last 5 we came 5th. At one stage under H and G I never thought Iā€™d see Liverpool win the league once more before I passed away. Now Iā€™m disappointed if they come second.