The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I szobosz it was unlikely

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If you believe everything you read you have no one to blame but yourself.

Szoboszlai is an exciting player, but I dont buy it. Too similar to what we already have to justify a new signing at that price. This looks like either someone incorrectly connecting dots, or a purposeful misdirection.


It might be a negotiation tactic for some other signing but I honestly donā€™t see a player in our squad who is similar to him in terms of skill set. In my opinion, Diaz is similar in terms of being direct and confident in dribbling but heā€™s a winger, whereas Szoboszlai is closer to what no. 10 used to be in football.

Iā€™d say that ā€œdirectnessā€ is what we lack (from more than just midfield but Iā€™ll stick to midfield for now) - Szoboszlai would definitely improve that and, from YouTube clips, Iā€™d say that Thuram would as well.

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Given our surplus of left sided forwards already youā€™d have to assume that if this link is real he was being viewed more as a midfielder, even if an attacking one. Stylistically he is different than Jones, more athletic and less silky on the ball, but in whatever shape we set up in is likely to occupy the same role. MacAlister may be earmarked for the RM role by virtue of him being adaptable and our relatively lack of options there, but would likely prefer that ALM role as well.

In isolation he makes a lot of sense, but taking into account who we already have and where they like to play, spending this much money on someone most comfortable in a role where weā€™ve got good options doesnt seem to be likely. I wont react negatively if it happens, and can see with the adaptability of several of the players way to get them all in and functioning. I just dont see it being likely.

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Itā€™s definitely not the former as all the Journoā€™s have run with it at the same time and all seem to have similar details.

All of them mentioning the price potentially being prohibitive immediately made me think itā€™s an attempt to bring the price down for this lad OR someone else in a separate negotiation.

I see Mac Allister much more as the LCM, be it in a midfield 3 or double-pivot. He is much more used to that side of the pitch, from Brighton, to Argentina (where he even played a few games narrow left of a 4-4-2), etc. It suits his skill set, to have his strongest foot and vision more open towards the pitch and more passing lanes. Him and Thiago might be our main two options there next season. Will be fantastic for Mac to learn a few more tricks and pick up advices from Thiago for a season. And that Thiago doesnā€™t have to be used all the time while heā€™s fit. Jones is more able to be used in 2-3 positions. He can be LCM, RCM and also in attack as a combining player.

I recently either read or saw someone say that Thuram features on the left too, not sure how correct or valid that is, but it is interesting that we are linked/ signing so many players who appear to play on the leftā€¦

Yeah he does. The difference there is a question of how far forward heā€™d be expected to play on that side. In one reading of the situation they might compete for the same role, but in another you might have Thuram behind him.

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I mightā€™ve been the first to mention him.

Iā€™ve seen a few European games with him playing, reason being is that The red bull teams seem to find gems and sell them onwards for decent fees. So I was interested. I said I wanted him a while ago, great, plays with both feet and a great dead ball specialist. In the wide forward positions. But I think heā€™s better as an attacking playmaker

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I think it unlikely unless someone comes in with stupid money.

He signed a long term contract last summer so for anyone to sign him would have to be a fucking ridiculous bid - I say in the Ā£500M region.

I bet Klopp would be happy with that sort of injection to the transfer kitty to go towards his midfield rebuild

Weā€™d all be in party mood if that happened.

A hypothetical pollā€¦

If FSG have been being deliberately parsimonious over the last few years to blow all their money on MbappƩ, and we actually signed him this year or next, would you be happy?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Once again, I do not expect this latest round of rumours to be true, but want to ascertain if we would be over the moon if FSG spunked all their load on one player.

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No one player is worth that circus, would prefer us to just build a squad sensibly.


Imagine the amount of TikTok fans heā€™d attract to these very forums. :face_vomiting:

Szoboslai is absolutely class. I hope that Schmatdke is able to convince the board that this player is a bargain at his release clause price and he joins Liverpool in the next 48 hours. But weā€™ll see.

Just look at his attacking numbers and heā€™s not bad defensively either! I believe he could step into a starting role for us straight away! He can also cover the wing positions in a pinch so heā€™s got versatility in his bag of tricks.

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I agree that Mac Allister will play LCM because heā€™s comfortable there. Iā€™d add that Thuram could play RCM so I donā€™t think thatā€™s a conflict.

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Yeah Right Whatever GIF by Bounce

Wouldnā€™t it be better to wait until after the release clause expires for Szoboslai and then negotiate a fee? $70M is too much for that player. I believe he can be had for significantly less. Let the clause expire and then negotiate with Leipzig, assuming we want the player of course.

A release clause doesnā€™t stop you negotiating a fee, we could try that now.