The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Henderson won’t go to Saudi because he knows he’ll be slaughtered on TAN.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to point out who in this discussion has shown any sign of 'forgetting that footballers retirement age is probably about 35).

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lets move on…cheers

He will have to justify it to himself at the very least.

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interesting to note from the article that initially the hendo family was not interested at all… I wonder what changed and if stevie had a word

Words are cheap, especially from footballers who let’s face it, aren’t the brightest sparks in the toolbox.

Mind over matter = Money over morals.

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I think it should be key for him to find out firstly if Stevie has a future there. He could arrive there and Stevie getting the boot in half a year and then get stuck totally.

thats most people, gvt’s and corporations to be fair @The-AllMightyReds

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Hard to fault Henderson for that when govts world over are happy doing biz with Saudi

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so true

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All I want to know is from all those thinking that Hendo will go to SA, or think that its likely, are you saying that because you think that then means another midfielder comes in? If the club announced today that we won’t sign another midfielder regardless of whether Hendo stayed or not, would you be happy for him to part ways? Would you be giving him our blessing like it seems a few in here are? The prospect of him leaving doesn’t fill me with excitement in reality.

I hope he doesn’t go to SA. Neither do I want Thiago to go to SA. But if he does choose to move , then so be it. And I’d like him to see out his contract with Liverpool and retire with us. But that seems a pipedream with footballers generally going beyond 35’s and having better options later in their careers for the last payday.

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What’s the discussion? I’m sure Hendo will fulfill his contract.

to be honest @JU97ICE, I am ok if he stays and I am ok if he goes. At the end of the day footballers and football managers are transient employees. However I do appreciate the leadership gap that him leaving will create (thats what worries me the most). But ultimately this is a business and these guys careers are very short. So whatever he decides I will support him and his family 100% and wish them the best

I don’t think there will be a leadership crisis. The group of players are tightly knit (which Klopp wants) with leaders in all areas of the pitch from Alli , VVD , Robbo , Mo all being national team captains and Trent in a leadership role as well.

Henderson is respected obviously for his leadership skills but there are more than enough people to assume the captaincy , preferably Virgil now with Trent to follow in another 2 years time.

Okay , not sure Alli is the national team captain but he probably should be

true, but there were times were i felt we looked lost without him on the pitch …he is very vocal and sometimes the players needed that

That’s to do with his role being as a DM in the side. I think we played well when Virgil was the captain even if Milner / Henderson weren’t playing in the team.

Losing the both of them in the same transfer window isn’t ideal , but it isn’t a crisis especially given that we do have others capable. Virgil to do the Henderson captaincy role with someone snide like Robbo being the enforcer would be a capable unit allowing Trent to grow into his captaincy role later.

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If we are going to see a veteran midfielder leave, of the remaining three, I’d rather it was Thiago. Hendo is the club captain and I’d like to see him help steer the ship back towards a title challenge and lift some silverware.

I’ve had my say on this sort of thing in the Stevie thread. I don’t feel very strongly about it. I’m quite libertarian about an individual’s right to move and work.

If he moves, he doesn’t have to justify it to me.

Undoubtedly Saudi Arabia has awful leadership, encapsulated by MBS. In relation to the west, some of the things that are unlawful seem very misplaced and will hopefully change.

With that said, I wish we were more moral in the west too! We have started or supported dodgy wars, seen hundreds of thousands die, and our governments routinely do arms deals and assorted business deals with the likes of the Saudis all the time.

It seems difficult to expect football to hold the line against that backdrop.

Any individual is free to choose what they would do, if offered a job. If Henderson takes it, then of course it would primarily be about the money, but then additionally, a new experience in the sun, and a chance to grow the game linking up with Stevie.

He will undoubtedly know that the Saudi government is ruthless and immoral, but I would imagine to justify the move he would say how is what they do my responsibility?

I gave the example in another thread of a civil servant, earning their salary and working down the line in some department under Boris Johnson’s government. It doesn’t necessarily follow that they approve of Johnson or his government.

Anyway, I hope Hendo stays. He looks trim and hungry, working hard, and determined to right the wrongs of last season. But if he goes, there won’t be any outrage from me. He’s free to take his skills to market and move and work as he pleases.


And Dominik


good post @RedOverTheWater