The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Would rather Lavia.


Very good player - see text in parentheses above for reason to stay clear.

I think heā€™s very good at a small number of things but is lacking in areas where we would really need him to excel. Along with Palhinha I think heā€™s a bit of an old-fashioned midfielder compared to the way we are moving as a squad.


Tyler Adams is a good player. He is a leader and will get his tackles in and protect the defence. But he doesnā€™t have a lot else in his locker.

Not especially great on the ball, which neednā€™t be a disqualification if the task is to give it simple, but presumably we want more than that.

He also misses a lot of action due to injury.

For me, he would be worth a shout as an additional midfielder if we needed one more to add to the number, more as a low cost back up, but not of the calibre I would want to see starting regularly.

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Are his corners alone worth $20 million!?

Nobodyā€™s ever were :smiling_face_with_tear:

No God!!! That would mean we are getting 2 Charlie Adams

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Thatā€™s the equivalent of four normal-sized players though, incredible value

Oddest thing about Adams is he looks better now than he did then and he is still carrying some timber.

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If he looked any worse heā€™d be dead though.

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corner taken quickly.

You evidently havenā€™t seen some of the players in the 1950s

ā€œCarrying some Timberā€ :rofl::rofl:

The only ones carrying some Timber are Arsenal

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Peak silly season


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Clever Jorge distracting the media :joy:

Gotta love them parody accounts.

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