The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

With Bayern trying to buy Kane and Madrid Mbappe, I wonder after buying Lavia, if we will wait and see the fallout (bayern & Madrid) from these two deals…

Didn’t we buy Nunez just 12 months ago.

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Yes but his fee is variable depending on what point you’e trying to make.

If it’s that FSG are cheapskates then he ‘only’ cost £64m

If it’s that FSG wasted money on a player we didn’t need instead of buying a midfielder then he’s £85m


Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office


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Wait, wasn’t our first offer £37M + 3mill add ons?

How on earth can an improved bid “still be below an initial £40M” :rofl: :rofl:

“How does an initial offer of £37.5M or £38M work for you Saints?”

It’s pretty apparent we don’t value him that highly enough if after the 2nd bid we’re still haggling over a £40M structured payment…walk away Liverpool.

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How the payments are structured will have changed. For example how much we pay up front may have increased. We may have initially proposed a smaller first payment and a larger instalments to follow.

Maybe we do like the player, and we have agreed everything with him. So now, knowing that he wants to come, we are trying to negotiate the best possible deal with Southampton.

We have seen the versatility of Jones and MacAllister, Gakpo too, and we know that we don’t have to depend on Lavia for the first game.

Part of me wants to say if he is the one the manager wants, just pay the 50M. But let’s imagine we can do the deal for 43M.

7M is 7M, and it all helps.

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We could get Hendo back on loan for 10 weeks? :crazy_face:

Joyce put the first bid at £34m + £4m

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Well what the fuck are paying Jorg for if Joyce is doing the work for us?


Ian Ayre pulls off the Jorg mask

Stopped reading there.

It seems like such a trivial sum in todays game but it’s really not, even for us.

That’s the entire profit the club made in the recent accounts.

It’s the equivalent of someone on a £135k a week contract for a year.

It’s 40% of the fee Fluminese are supposedly after for that Andre lad that has been mentioned.

It’s nearly one whole Andy Robertson.

It’s small fry in the grand scheme of things but when it’s coming from the budget we can spend on players and our typical net spend is sub £50m a summer then it’s not to be sniffed at.

Of course that does then depend on what you go on to do with that money you save…

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Look after the pennies springs to mind.

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no smoking omg GIF

Lol looking around threads might have been the 3rd or 4th one to post Reddy’s Andre tweet…i think it’s now in every thread except the thread specifically designed for Twitter rumors… :joy:


Virgil money was already in place before we sold Coutinho. Virgil was going to join the previous summer until Warner opened his gob after getting pissed

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