The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

But Rice’s valuation was in part set by Chelsea’s profligate spending and Brighton’s pricing of Caicedo wasn’t it?

I think the pricing here may be at least in part Brighton setting Chelsea a FU price for trying to get the player to force his way out in the winter.


If they are playing silly beggers and as a result he was to down tools,how should that be viewed if they’ve forced him into it.

I’m not sure the club can be said to be playing silly beggars - if they pick him for the team and pay his wages on time as per his recently signed new contract then the club has every right to refuse any offers for him - or at least that don’t match their ‘valuation’ unless there is a clause in the contract that says otherwise. The fact that Chelsea and Arsenal have splashed out on players for similar to what Brighton are looking for help underpin that (I would think)

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At the very least, Caicedo appears surprised/let down by Brighton’s stance. The talk from earlier in the summer from the club very much seemed that, like MacAlister, the contract he signed last season in no way tied him to the club in a way that make his exit difficult. Of course his suitors have to meet whatever valuation Brighton have and maybe that just isn’t happening. But I think it’s difficult to reconcile his seeming frustration with Brighton with that scenario.

The talk about him being under contract and them being entitled to do this I think misses the point. Previously Brighton, maybe a bit like Dortmund, have seemed to not only know their place in the transfer ecosystem but revel in it and play into it. They were putting his pending exit out there to the world as an example of what signing for Brighton can do for a young player. Sure they might be legally entitled to refuse to let him leave, but at what cost? How does a club like Brighton move forward if their reputation among players becomes one of sneaky sneakers who break promises to players and uses legalelse to hide behind a reason they wont let a player get the move they had previously publicly commented that he had earned?

Is it possible that at some point over the summer their perception of themselves shifted? Now, especially with the signing of someone like Kudus they now think they can fight the inevitable and have shifted their attitude towards letting their big players leave?


Why don’t they just pay the fee that they’ve been asking for all summer? What’s with all these offers of less than the stated price? The season starts in less than a week and there’s a gaping hole in midfield. And why does it take so long to make another bid?

Oh wait, we’re talking about Caicedo and not Lavia. Odd how the consensus is different. Brighton have set their price, Chelsea just need to pay it right? Seller’s market and all that.


Yeah, I was thinking more in legal terms and wasn’t considering the appearance to prospective signings - although I have made similar points about Brighton and other sides on this previously.

I think Brighton were using Caicedo as a bargaining chip to get Colwill but as soon as chelsea promised something to Colwill he resigned a new contract Brighton were screwed and dug their heels in over Caicedo’s valuation Southampton are playing the same game with us as when we wanted VVD but this kid Latvia is not in the same league we might pull out and go all out for Caicedo and we will outwit both Chelski and Southampton and leave both of them holding their dicks

Jorg has been kind of disappointing in this window so far. All we’ve done is trigger two release clauses and it appears we’re not going to get a cut rate deal for Lavia.

If he wants his short term deal to become a long term one, he needs to step up over these next few weeks.


as long as i have a hole in my backside LFC wont go for Caicedo.
Far to expensive for us.
You have to wonder why Caicedo want CFC so much as they have no Euro football and only 6 months ago announced his love of Arsenal.
Klopp wont sign him as he seems a bit of a money grabbing twat.


Exactly. £100M? No way in hell

I dont know the full extent of Jorg’s role or involvement but we didnt just trigger two release clauses. In at least one of them we appear to have negotiated a payment schedule so it wasnt given all upfront.

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I’ll give you a clue: it starts with “M” and ends in “oney”.

And it isn’t Mahoney from Police Academy. Well, I don’t think it is.


As good as Caicedo is, spending £100m on him would be madness.


Utter madness

oh yeah GIF

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My favourite.

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I didn’t say we would pay £100M but Brighton not wanting to keep an unhappy player would accept what our value of him is £40M?

Chelsea can have Caicedo. Great player but he’s been flirting with a lot of clubs including Arsenal in the previous window and then Chelsea.

He could have done his time like Mac, negotiated a release clause and then gone to any club. But instead , he’s not done that and is now throwing a hissy fit. Brighton are selling him at the price they want. That’s good business.

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Still find it odd that he signed a new deal in January, seemingly without a release clause. What was he thinking??

it is - but I find it odd that people accept that Brighton wont accept less than £100m yet when you say Soton have said Lavia wont go for less than £50m people jump up and down screaming “where, where have soton said that - show me!!”