The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

So we have one less CM.

bored d&d GIF by Hyper RPG

Weā€™ve apparently outbid Chelsea for Caicedo

Wouldnā€™t count Thiago as ā€œoneā€ tbh, more a 1/3 less of a CM.

Between Baj/Jones they can play the 200 minutes heā€™ll have otherwise featured in the upcoming season, maybe sign Andre in Jan to take the burden if becomes too much.

Is it April 1st?

Why would he prefer Chelsea over LFC? They have no Euro football and are a mess. Can only be money and for that reason theres no way LFC would bid for a player who is a) money motivated and b) wants to go somewhere else.

I think its our response to them outbidding Lavia. A proper school ground game of my bids bigger than your bid. A nice little ā€œfuck off Toddā€


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Would be amazing if we did get Caicedo and they got Lavia after all this fucking about,

Well this has thrown a spanner into the worksā€¦^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1689580913858863104|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

A third is better than no one and the money doesnā€™t seem to be being used on anything.

Weā€™d be nuts to sell Thiago now unless weā€™ve got Caicedo, Lavia and one more centre mid signed sealed and ready for the Joyce announcement tweet.

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@Nikola open the Caicedo thread :slightly_smiling_face:

FSG would shit the bed if Brighton accepted a Ā£100m bid!

dick measuring timeā€¦childish from both teams

Here comes Pearce with a dampener.

ā€œHey James, Jorg here. We didnā€™t want everyone getting wind of our bid for Caicedo so can you just drop a tweet out making it sound less advanced than it is. Taā€

Iā€™m guessing this is part of the dance, trying to force Southamptonā€™s hand. Would be fantastic if we signed Caicedo though, we should have been braver and gambled on him last summer.

Either way, would be nice for this all to be concluded soon.

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or we have a miracle and for once its us who spend big and sign both.

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Any idea who this Matt Law guy is?

guardian or telegraph i think