UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Less than 40% now support the decision to leave What UK Thinks: EU – Non-partisan information on UK attitudes to the EU before and since the EU Referendum


perhaps a lot have passed away who voted for it and the younger ones now able to vote would vote differently than the departed?

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And yet the two main parties bend over backwards to appeal to that 40% while ignoring the rest.

As they should. If they had worked together to optimise Brexit the sentiment may already have been more positive. As it is, give it a few more years, then see where we are.

Is it possible that whoever wins could name Boris as deputy pm ? And what would happen if something happened to them and Boris was then acting prime minister?:joy:

@redalways @Klopptimist i was going to remain and read a bit whilst eating my rowntrees ice lolly. some one mentioned brexit so im afraid i shall have to leave. :thinking:

They should ignore the 60%?

And in this fantasy world, what should Labour or the Liberal Democrats have done different?

No, of course not. Just respect a democratic instruction.

How that is implemented and then managed ought to be influenced by the relevant constituencies.

Here’s Boris bumbling an admission to meeting Lebedev.

Wonder what’s on the piece of paper being handed to him at the end? My guess is “shut the fuck up”

Labour standing to reverse BREXIT at the last election? That would have been a start.

Fixed for a more likely scenario.

But nobody knows how man kids he’s got.

More destructive for the party. Significant % of labour constituency supported Brexit, as most likely did it’s leadership.

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And that worked out well didn’t it? Hindsight is a wonderful concept.

Yeah but if they all voted Labour regardless, the phrase red wall wouldn’t exist.

After the BREXIT vote and May’s attempts to get a deal through, it was clear to anybody with an IQ in double figures that it was going to be tough. Excellent opportunity for an effective second referendum without undermining the integrity of the original. I suppose we should credit Labour for not just going for a majority when handed the opportunity. Better honourable than in power. Well done Lenin (if the hat fits)

The Tories would be insane to go with Sunak. Absolutely insane.

He’s had a fixed penalty notice for breaking the law, can easily be associated with Johnson’s misdemeanours, and used a US green card to avoid paying UK Tax. While Chancellor. And serious questions around his relatability.

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That usually means that’s why they will go for him…


£10 say’s I’m right to the charity of your choice. Mine’s Brain Tumour UK.

I don’t understand the point you are trying to make here.