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Wishing you a full recovery, @Flobs. You should know that at least I miss you. Take care of yourself.


@Flobs return = new signing


Nice to know you’re somewhat on the mend and feel well enough to post. What’s the prognosis ? Are you able to exercise at all ? I had disc problems years ago and got back to some semblance of normality through swimming and walking.


Yeah we’re going to need you in the run-in flibber fairy. We’ve been down to bare bones lately - @Walshy07 and @Nikola have had to step in.



If effective heating to 21 degrees celsius is too expensive:
Under your cloathes. Then a layer of cloathes above, preferably wool:

Then above this:

For your feet:

This combination is far more effective than an Afghan coat.

Use layers of cloathing, always, and avoid syntethics as they don’t insulate properly.
Having done this, you will not feel the cold, though I admit that the cloathes will cost money indeed. But you will have them for many years. You don’t wear these cloathes for fashion (well, some do, but fuck that), but to not be uncomfortable in cold weather inside a cold house.

Wear then a winter jacket and a real hat outside:

And it has to be really fucking cold indeed for you to freeze.

But really, I say this because I have visited England several times. I have seen the women, as well as the men, how they dress during cold weather. Most of them look like (forgive me, but this has been a popular topic among Norwegians observing Englishmen in England, the lack of clothing on Englishmen during winter that is) absolute morons, standing there freezing for no good reason outside a pub. No one in my country stands out freezing with skinty cloathing. All you need is proper cloathing.

Just trying to be helpful. Cloathing is the key. While it is true that you can get acclimatised to colder weather and more used to it (same as with warm), the answer is mostly just good clothes.


My very best regards to you ! I hope for a successful and, as speedy as possible, recuperation.

it’s good to “see” you, man :slight_smile:


Proper 3 inches of fresh show just fell here (stop laughing you Canadians!) fab snowball fight after poker at work tonight. Growing old is compulsory but growing up is up to you :slight_smile:


We didnt get 3cm here.

I am sad…

Sorry @Maria

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Indeed really good to see you back @Flobs.

We need everyone for the run in

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I’d say she has every right to be :wink:

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I recently visited my barbers which is a “traditional” one. They don’t wash your hair or give you a shave. I asked him about the competition from 2 “turkish” barbers that have opened up within 100 metres of him. There are actually 3 more in the other high street area about 2 miles away.

He made several allegations about them. I do walk past them quite often and I personally have noticed;

They are very glitzy with apparently brand new and no doubt expensive equipment.

There are lots of young male barbers sitting around the salons on their phones and they rarely seem to have any customers.

The main allegation of course is that they are money laundering operations but that seems unlikely given their high street profile but I do wonder who is funding them.

It does seem to be a national phenomenon



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I haven’t paid and I can see it.

Trick with FT articles is you Google the title and click through from Google.


What’s the point of a barber who doesn’t shave you? :thinking:

I missed the window to possibly have an intervention. I insisted they take me the emergency unit when it happened however dispute not being able to get up they refused to even take an x-ray. They insisted it was sciatica.
So I spent Weeks on m’y back on the sofa not being able to move pissing in freezer bags (luckily I suffered chronic constipation over that time). Chance was that my daughter was over on holiday so I ruined her holiday.
With crutches after 6 weeks I was able to get and use the toilet. The organisation for food and water was a nightmare.
Now I can do quite a lot and I am learning how to sit. It is now mainly sciatica with some pelvis/back pain for which I only take 1 paracetamol when I go to bed to help me get a good nights sleep.
I drive go shopping but make sure I don’t over do it. It’s 6 months now which is quite a long time for such an accident.

Yes I need to get some physio now. Standing and walking is easier and less painful than sitting. I can even get in and out of little cars now (thankfully I have a big MPV that is easy to get in and out of).


fukin 'ell mate , you have had it rough. I kinda know how you feel (but mine was nowhere near as serious) , especially sitting , that was the killer for me too. I just had to stand up most of the time. If I was to recommend one thing it would be to try and get yourself in the water. You’ll be able to do the exercise which stimulate the cells around the damage without having to worry about compression pain.


@Flobs good to see you back and good. All will be well.