Women's Football: General Discussions

A typical male keeper is going to be 1.90m upwards. Very few women are but the goals are the same size. However, it’s the same for both teams and there is more to keeping goal than being able to touch the crossbar.


You can call it what you want. It’s crap sport in my opinion. It’s not sexist, it’s not another brick in the wall. Liking women’s football or rugby or not is just personal taste. Get over yourself. Bleeding heart.

I explained why. Football, rugby and cricket compared to the men’s game is slow and clumsy looking. It’s to me as boring as watching paint dry.
I do like women’s tennis, athletics and gymnastics though.
I don’t like synchronized swimming. Is that sexist? A few on here need to grow up.

@Prolix you can put yer in yer hands as much as you like. It’s boring that every comment is made out to be racist, sexist ageist or whatever ist someone wants to invent.

I think @Redbj’s comments were much more nuanced than that. :person_shrugging:

Really though, if you aren’t interested, just ignore the thread. I don’t care about motor sport or golf, but I don’t go into those threads and slag them off.
What would be the point?


I enjoy watching women’s football. Quality has improved massively over the last 10, even just 5 years imo and will continue to do so and there’s a genuine enthusiasm and less of the cynicsim than in men’s football.


I wasn’t in the thread hehehe it got moved here. I do like the sport. Love it. Don’t like the women’s version.

My original point was it’s not casual sexism if you don’t like or rate it.

Nuanced? Ok. I didn’t see anything subtle, it was quite direct. In fact I think from my comment hit a nerve.

What’s the point of any thread if differing opinions can’t be expressed?
Stay off the forum?

I’m looking forward to the world cup. I coached a girls team from u10 through u19, some of them playing in college now, my daughter is chomping at the bit to see women’s sport on tv (and I’m about to start another coaching cycle - she’s about at u10 age). Skill and technique will be on display at world cup. How can you watch the best players a country can offer compete to win and lay it all on the line and not enjoy it?

It’s not the speed and skill that makes it fun it’s the lose and go home high stakes nature that brings out the ultra competitiveness. It’s a bit different when it means so much to the competitors. And it arguably means more to the women, as the men go back to Liverpool, barca, etc, most of the women will go back to much lower salary and melt back into the background of men dominated sport.


It is not a patch on the mens game true, but I quite enjoy it. Seen a bit of it down the years and it has come a long way.Saw a number of girls playing in boys teams at junior level and some put the lads to shame.
They can play pretty hard and I’ll certainly be watching the WC!

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that old chestnut…

threads are for different opinions.

discuss womens football…lets do it…

just coming in here, or any other thread for that matter, and calling it shit, is not really a discussion is it?

a discussion on the quality of the game would involve how it can improve or where it has improved to date, it would involve discussing why its currently inferior to the mens product, and also where it is actually superior (the gamesmanship for one)

just calling it shite and ‘i could do better’ isnt a discussion though. is it?

and then running to the old ‘its not sexist to point it out’ card when no one said anything of the sort.

anyhoo…i for one, am looking forward to the womens world cup and i make a request to the site members that dont rate the womens format of the game to refrain from posting in this thread for the duration of the world cup.

id love a purely positive experience over the next month or so.


You can make a request but that’s it. You can use all the polarizing arguments you like such as; That old chesnut … , the … card etc.

Ah now I understand you and your overly emmotional response. I found this when I was looking for the comment I responded to in the Romeo Lavia thread before it was moved. I was specifically responding to a poster who said it could be casually sexist to not like women’s football.

To be frank that old chesnut of; If you don’t like watching kids football, park football you don’t understand football blah blah could be applied to anything.

Why don’t we have an art gallery full of kid’s drawings? I mean it is art in it’s purest sense. Nobody would expect to see a future Picasso in there. I would hate my kid to hear somebody saying they’ve got no chance in the art world and slagging off their drawings/paintings.

Why don’t we watch two young lads race their old bangers down the street? I mean nobody expects to see the next Lewis Hamilton…etc etc

Anyway, dont worry as I said women’s football, rugby and cricket is boring TO ME. I don’t have to be forced into liking it or be accused by some of being casually sexist/racist/ageist/kidist or whatever ist some use to win an argument or make people tow the line.

I won’t be in this thread to post as I have no interest in discussing women’s football just as I won’t be in the ligue un thread. Am I Frenchist?

These things actually exist. Most art schools normally have an exhibition area. I went to the Glasgow School Of Art exhibition on more than one occasion. Many galleries have exhibits for younger children as well.


Yeah, that’s something I’d go to. Properly curated, it could be great.

The problem would be the parents pushing for their kids scribbles to be included.


Maybe we should have a thread for the competition?

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I don’t watch the men’s World Cup but I like the Women’s WC. Its probably because the Women’s World Cup is the pinnacle of the sport whereas the men’s World Cup is a poor immitation of the game that club football produces.

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Absolutely. And it just feels more genuine.

Yes and women’s football to me is the equivalent of kid’s scribbles. Parents love their kid’s scribbles but your average person sees them for what they are, scribbles. But that’s also how I see men’s lower league football. There’s a reason they get lower pay.
So it’s not casual sexism, maybe it’s casual elitism.