Fabinho (DM) to Al-Ittihad

فكرة جيدة

I realise this is getting on peopes nerves, football is supposed to be a distraction. And this is exactly why sportswashing DOES work. Hey, let’s leave the politics out of it, it’s just business and look at the money. This is how you get Abramovich, Man City, PSG, Newcastle. This is why we get the best World Cup of all times in Qatar. Now the Saudi League. Won’t be the end of it either, one new normal after the other, go with the flow or go under. This is why sportswashing works.


That’s not proof, because the audience for these efforts aren’t the ones who are criticising it. It’s for those who think “football should be free from politics” or those in whom “anti-West” sentiment can be stirred up easily, as seen by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or simply those who don’t pay attention.

As can be seen from this thread alone, quite a few people, even on a forum dedicated to football, are quite inclined to swallow the sportwashing.


It would actually be interesting to know what they think. Provided they can get away with posting their thoughts without getting dismembered though. I believe Saudi Arabia actually has quite a decent football culture in terms of the general population, not the rich spoilt brats sucking the country dry?

Saudis are welcome, they are victims of their leadership. It’s their government that needs to fuck off.


@redalways @Sweeting I don’t know too much about the life/society of the Gulf kingdoms. But the insights I get from my friends and relatives who have been there isn’t very encouraging. However, I can’t deny my stereotype/bias against them.

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Yeh, it can be brutal on TAN.

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Don’t confuse us with the Saudi government.

Here, you won’t reach the dismemberment alive. It’s the evisceration that gets you first.

The treatment depends on the employer. Look up the employment rules for the gulf countries. If the employer is good , any expats will have a nice time.

Try that one on your carpet rolling mates

هذا المنشور يميز ضد أولئك الذين لا يستطيعون قراءة العربية.

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This post discriminates against those of us who can’t read Arabic.


that’s pretty much what it says

لا أريد استخدام مترجم جوجل

Easy for you to say!

الفارسية مكتوبة من اليمين إلى اليسار ، فقط لكي تعرف …

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This forum seems more than ready for the reception of new Saudi-Arabian members… :sunglasses:

We’re a welcoming bunch. @gasband , go ahead with inviting them over

Except for me.

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